Sunday, December 2, 2007

Gwendolyn - First Two Weeks

Gwendolyn has been a little angel the first two weeks. She only really cries when she's hungry, which seems to be more often lately. Now she's starting to get the whole breast feeding thing, so I don't have to feed her with a bottle all the time. Whew! (Linds may have a different perspective because she's still doing a lot of work)

Gwendolyn is gaining weight pretty well and last week hit her birth weight. Woo Hoo! She is 3 weeks and 2 days old and getting close to her actual expected birth date.

Barkley is getting to know Gwendolyn and after a few days of barking and being scared, I think he finally gets it. He's even starting to protect her a bit.

I've put up some more pictures on Flickr for the last couple of weeks while she has been at home with us.

Jason and Lindsay's Flickr Photos - Gwendolyn - First 2 weeks

And here's the entire collection: Gwendolyn Collection